Table of Contents

Working with VIROO Studio

The fundamental element in generating content for VIROO is Scenes.

Creating Scenes

A VIROO Scene contains the three-dimensional environment through which users of a scene can move. You can build the scene using traditional Unity tools and workflows. Likewise, a scene can contain interaction, which can be easily added using the VIROO Interaction System components. It is also possible to add your own scripts to a scene to extend VIROO's functionality.

The creation of a VIROO scene starts with the creation of a Unity scene.

VIROO provides components and functionality to cover the following needs:

XR environment

When a scene is played, VIROO takes care of creating the avatar of the local user, as well as displaying the avatar of the other users who have joined the same session. VIROO allows to display the generated content in multi-platform environments, which support different Input systems (VR headsets, Desktop, CAVE systems). VIROO ensures that the player can move his own avatar, as well as teleporting and interacting with the scene.

As a content developer, you do not have to worry about programming these interactions or configuring the Virtual Reality environment.


The VIROO Networking system is designed to be lightweight, robust and secure. It works with a server deployed in the cloud and the communication is done via WebSockets in an encrypted manner.

During scene development, the VIROO Networking is mocked up so there is no external communication at all.


VIROO provides a system of interactions and actions that provide the usual functionality of XR environments. Interactions (grab, ray, trigger/poke...) trigger Actions, which are executed over the network in the simulations of all players who have joined the session.


VIROO Studio provides an Input abstraction layer to be able to code in a homogeneous way for all the platforms that VIROO supports. This way, interactions developed once work on VR, CAVE systems and keyboard and mouse environments.

Refer to Creating a Scene to start creating.

Publishing scenes

During scene development, the scene can be tested in the Unity Editor as in a conventional project. Once the scene is ready to be tested or published, VIROO Studio provides its own scene build system to publish your scenes called VIROO Scene Publisher. Once published, it will be ready to run it and test it within the VIROO platform on any device supported by it.

Go to Publishing a Scene for more information.

Uploading scenes

Go to Upload Scenes to VIROO Portal to learn more.

Playing Scenes

Finally, when you have uploaded your scene to the cloud, you can test it in the VIROO Single Player or VIROO Room Player.

Go to Playing Scenes for more information.