Table of Contents

Publishing a Scene

VIROO Studio provides the necessary tools to publish scenes.

It also performs certain validations to ensure that both the Unity project and scene settings are correct. This will help to identify possible errors and correct them automatically when possible.

Scene Validation

You can open the Project Validation window going to Window -> Viroo -> Project Validation.

It is recommended that, before publishing scenes, the Scene Validation window be opened to ensure that all project settings and scene components are correctly setup. This will help to identify possible errors in a preventive way.

Some of the errors can be corrected automatically by clicking the Fix button. When this is not possible, the error message will indicate how to correct the issue.


Scene Publisher

You can open the Scene Publisher window going to Window -> Viroo -> Scene Publisher.

In this window you can configure as many scenes as you want, these settings are saved in the project.

By default, this window will display one scene and you can either add more scenes by clicking Add new Scene or remove existing scenes by selecting the scene you want to remove and clicking Remove current Scene.

For each of the scenes you will have to provide the following fields:

Field Description
Title This will appear in the scene selection menu inside players.
Thumbnail This image appear in the scene selection menu inside players. This field is optional.
Scene Asset The Unity scene containing the VIROO Scene.
Output path Choose the path in which the scene will be published. Relative to the project.

The following fields belong to the Optional section. The fields may be used if you are using Custom Code:

Field Description
Assembly Definitions If you are using Custom Code, your code must be contained in Assemblies, and the Assembly Definition Files must be included in this list. This field is optional.
Included Folders If your project contains folders with content that you are going to load at runtime with code, enter those directories here. They must be inside StreamingAssets folder. This field is optional.

You can publish your scene by clicking on Publish or publish all the scenes that make up your project by clicking on Publish all scenes.

When compiled, a .viroo file will be produced for each scene published.


Once your scene is published, go to Upload Scenes to VIROO Portal to learn how to upload your scene to VIROO Portal.